Rabu, 10 September 2008

cave jatijajar be one of [the] object primadona at regency

cave jatijajar be one of [the] object primadona at regency

kebumen. this cave stretchess along +/- 250 meters average wide 25 meters with height 15 meters, so that make easy for visitor to enter it. insides this cave stills found river under that still mobile and also found emapt fruit sendang that is: kantil, rose, jombor and earth navel. sendang kantil and rose be be trusted can make for who ageless that want to wash the face with water exist in second sendang.
to enjoy contents from cave jatijajar this, is not want tall skill and
[navigation. cave net - jatijajar
bulb many bertebaran in this cave. illumine cave contents and make easy visitor enjoys the beautiful atmosphere in cave
must equiped with device caving
[navigation. cave net - jatijajar
bulb many bertebaran in this cave. illumine cave contents and make easy visitor enjoys the beautiful atmosphere in cave
complete. insides this cave
be installed various colourful lamp that impression increase aloof moment enjoy it. not only illumination installation, insides this cave also loaded with various statue seukuran human that narated story raden kamandaka or more knowledgeable with black monkey story kasarung. clean white coloured this statues and put berkelompok-kelompok in various cave corner represents a story fragment. unfortunately complete brochure inexistence in this object causes visitor doesn't detect black monkey story kasarung, less can enjoy or is understanding about what being being told by statues. it is better moment enjoy this cave contents, visitor be be accompanied with guide so that can know and enjoy cave contents according to completeer.
[navigation. cave net - jatijajar
gate msuk existing insides cave jatijajar. in right side from this gate is found a cave road enough long, but visitor is forbidden memamsuki with alsan security
insides also made made road stripe from cement. in road part that decreased also climb also made ladder child complete with made the handle from iron. moved left and right road in certain distance also installed lamp penenrangan, all the it this of course more will make visitor to will cross entire caves contents. this cave also still has many holes out in part on it, sunshine that break through to enter to into cave gives beautiful impression aloof moment is enjoyed.
stoney stalagtit and stalagmite exist in this cave is enough interestings, mengantaranya even still mobile to then grow. this matter is marked with stills water existence that flow and drip in ujung-ujung. but personally i felt statues existence exist in this cave, a little not it deflect visitor to enjoy type or ornament from existing stoney. light game from existing illumination should will be regulated in such a manner so that can beautiful impression increase existing stone ornament.
[navigation. cave net - jatijajar
galore water and flow enough quick from within cave, and final enter to return to into roads under existing soil.
on the other hand at exterior from cave jatijajar, visitor will see a green coloured dinosaur statue king sized with the mouth that standagapes wide. from within mouth flow water the quickly, where is water come from river under existing soil insides/under cave jatijajar. water flow out from dinosaur statue mouth aims big river stream where visitor especially moppet many make use it as water game tool. memusim rainy, river water flow very very quick even can overflow and flood base cave jatijajar.
actually at this tour object area also found cave other that is cave dempok, titi and diamond. unfortunately existing facilities insides cave is not as complete as likes what is in cave jatijajar, so that pittance one who intend to trace it. infrastructure and tool exist in around also quite a lot tour object, is belonging mengantaranya publik transport tool shaped bus is measuring ready is deliverring occupant since from coast principal wayside south (pansel) kebumen - yogyakarta, up to aim nature cave tour object location, jatija

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